Olivia's Art Portfolio 2016-2017

I decided to take intro to art because I had to take a fine arts class. I am not good at singing or dancing so I decided to just take an art class. I didn't really expect much but after about a week in intro to art all of my expectation had been exceeded and I realized that I now had a love of art that I never knew I had.

Drawing Stratagies

Sighting Stratagy
Positive space
Negative space
Contour drawing

I think that I learned the most from negative space drawing because It taught m to look for other shapes and spaces when you are having difficulty drawing an object.

August 15-August 26-September 2

My drawing skill have improved this year because i am now able to draw more realistically and I know that I can't just draw a stereotypical hand because everyone has different characteristics that make it their hand. My first hand compared to my last hand drawing shows how much more I understand about drawing.


Chiaroscuro is contrast of light and dark to give the illusion of space.


I have improved very much, not only with measurements and shading, but my self-portraits also became more accurate and realistic. My proportions were obviously very far off in my first picture compared to the fragmented portrait and my shading became a lot softer and precise in the last picture compared to the second picture.


I wish I could re-do the crosshatching shodowing project because It didn't make sense of how that would create shadow until I had realized all the mistakes I had made and that it was too late because as had already filled the background with obvious strait lines that i poorly covered up with other wierd lines.

My favorite project this year

I think that I have improved in a lot of places but I am most happy with my drawing ability and technical skills because I can now draw things the look like what i am drawing and not like a weirdly shaped cloud (which is what my people have said about my artwork in the past). I think that my attitude has improved a lot too because never in a million years would I have thought that I would be taking an art class past elementary school, let alone it becoming one of my favorite classes.

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