Redwood Forest Home to the tallest trees on earth

Redwood National and State Park is a woodland system containing many towering redwood trees, with trails, campgrounds and much more. It is located on the north coast of California, approximately 325 miles north of San Francisco. It is roughly 50 miles long, and the park lands stretch from near the Oregon border in the north to the Redwood Creek watershed southeast of Orick, California.

Besides being home to the tallest trees on Earth the parks also protect prairies, oak woodlands, river ways, and almost 40 miles of coastline.

Why do Redwoods grow so tall?

The trees grow tall for the following reasons: large amounts of rain (60-140 inches per year) mostly from November-April, summer fog which reduces evapotranspiration, temperate climate (average temperatures between 45 degrees and 61 degrees Fahrenheit), rich soil in river bottom flats, few natural enemies, burl sprouts (which promote growth after injury by fire or toppling), and wind protection by other redwoods.

Why do Redwoods live so long?

Favorable climatic conditions, tannin in the bark (which makes it resistant to insects like termites), and the thickness of the bark helps protect the inner core of the tree from fire.

Trees cam grow up to 30 feet in diameter and more than 250 feet tall.

Becoming a National Park

The Redwoods were very attractive to the timber companies and after a lot of controversy and compromise in order to preserve the tallest trees on the earth, Congress approved the Redwood forest as a federal park, and on October 2, 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the act that established Redwood National Park. The new preserve placed 58,000 acres in the care of the National Park Service.

To get an idea of all the Redwoods have to offer watch the short video below.

People travel from all over the world to experience the magic of the redwoods. Come visit this natural phenomena for enjoyment, education, and inspiration. Camping, hiking, and educational exhibits are popular activities within the park that visitors cant get enough of.

Use the links below to learn more about the Redwoods.

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