The World Of Dance Rebecca shea

What Is Dance?

Do you do dance? Dance is a great way to express yourself. There are so many different genres of dance like, Jazz, hip hop, ballet,etc. and the great thing is there is no right or wrong,it’s just what you feel in the music! But if you want to do dance competitively (when you go against someone else to win) or seriously you should take dance lessons. Dance is a great activity to start no matter what age you are!

This dancer is using great turn out.

First, Second, Third

Do you want to learn some dance moves to get started? The first thing I will show you is first ,second ,and third position. First position is feet together with turn out and arms out in a round shape, NO sickling(you bend your foot the wrong and it can lead to bone problems). Second is feet spread apart with turn out (feet turned to the side) and arms out straight to the side.Third is one foot in front with turn out and the other foot in the back with turn out, arms round in front.There are so many more things to learn,like a pirouette or plea.

Leotards And Tutus

Not everything in dance is leotards and tutus, like hip-hop you wear your street clothes, sneakers, and a ponytail. For ballet on the other hand, is more strict about what you wear. For example, you have to wear your hair in a bun, tights, black leotards(a close fitting one piece garment), and ballet shoes. For most types of dance like Lyrical, Jazz, tap, you just need your hair in a pony, a leotard, and what ever type of shoe you need.Also when,you start you are going to want to have a dance bag. For each dance style, you will need a different type of clothing!

There Are So Many Different Types

These are all different styles of dance.

There are so many different types of styles of dance, which one is for you? One type of dance is very popular, ballet! Ballet is really fun and works a lot on perfecting technique and getting really familiar with proper dance etiquette(set of rules that you must follow to be a great and polite dancer) and terminology(when you know the name of something and use it correctly)! Another type of dance is lyrical. Lyrical is based off of ballet! Lyrical is a dance from lyrics that is why they call it lyrical. For lyrical you, tell the story of what the lyrics are saying, which is were musical theater comes into play when you use emoticons in your facial expressions! Hip-Hop is another great dance, but it is totally different from ballet and lyrical. Hip-Hop is upbeat and fast, the higher skill level you are at the faster and harder the dance moves get! It is fast moving dance genre(different types of styles) and so much fun! There are even so many more dance types you can discover.

Curtain Call

This is a pie chart of favorite dance styles

Do you love to be in the spotlight? If you do you, will love performing your dance routine on stage! When you take dance lessons, you will most likely have a dance recital that all your friends and family can come and watch! It is very important to practice your dance routine, so you don’t forget your dance. You will get a costume that goes with the theme of your dance. For example, if your dance was about a cat you would have a cat costume! Also, you will need your hair in a tight, neat bun. For most dance companies(a business) you are not allowed to wear nail polish or jewelry,because everyone in the routine needs to look similar. It might be a little nerve racking, but it is so much fun when you are on stage performing! Dance is a wonderful activity to try.

Try It Out

Dance is a wonderful activity to start and anyone can do it. After this, are you interested in taking dance lessons or even just dancing on your own?

When you dance ,express yourself!


Created with images by gracelaurak_ - "ballet pink ballerina" • Takmeomeo - "ballet dance dancer" • wwward0 - "J-Floats" • NFGphoto - "Bella" • gettzyphoto - "woman dance spanish" • luxstorm - "ballerina ballet dancer"

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