Ruby bridges By Reed olIver

Ruby Nell Bridges Hall is an American activist known for being the first African American child to desegregate the all-white Schools.

Born on September 8, 1954, in Tylertown, Mississippi, Ruby Bridges was 6 when she became the first African-American child to integrate a white Southern elementary school, having to be escorted to class by her mother and U.S. marshals due to violent mobs. Bridges' bravery paved the way for continued Civil Rights action and she's shared her story with future generations in educational forums.

When Ruby was in kindergarten, she was one of many African-American students in New Orleans who were chosen to take a test determining whether or not she could attend a white school. It is said the test was written to be especially difficult so that students would have a hard time passing. She was one of the six students who passed. Ruby basically desegregated schools all across the United States she is still living today as you see in the picture above.


Created By
Reed Oliver


Created with images by Infrogmation - "Ruby Bridges 21 Sept 2010"

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