Flight 1894 from ABQ Women's March on Washington 2017

This photo set shows people heading to Washington D.C. for the Women's March on Washington.

Lisa Johnson - Family Therapist - ABQ
Catherine Allport - Photographer
Chris Wilson - Teacher
Molly Madden - Teacher (retired)
katie Stone- Radio Producer
Virginia Scharff - Professor
Ellen Madden - Teacher
Unknown male
Joyce Esperanza - National Lab
Unknown female
Jean Fish - Theatre Teacher
Janet Davidson - TV & Theatre
Laura Hudman(sp) - Marketing
Elizabeth Tomlinson - Stylist
Pamela Check - Professor
Brendy Bailey-White - Environmental Tech Professor
Susan Cooper - Therapist (retired) Susan Dollenger Massage Therapist
Mary Schmauss - Student Dawn Graber - Buss Owner
Suzan Zeder - Playwright
Cathie Physioc - Artist
Nancy Strauss - TV Producer
Jackie Clowney - Real Estate
Alexis Girard - Real Estate
Mary Sloane - Photographer
Robyn Lee - Educator
Ivette Rodriguez - Educator
Erin Tobin - Educator
Amy Barbour - Health Insurance
Sherry Ward - retired
Julie Baum - Mother
Laurie Tomlinson - National Lab
Fionna Hardy-Wyoranski Lisa Hardy - Anthropologist
Dot Webber - Customer Service
Joan Henriksen - Occupational Therapist
Joan Carrellas - Physician
Gillian Chmieloiczyk - Student
Tina Siedlecki - Lawyer
Ryan Levi - Nurse
Mary Owen - Project Manager
Nancy Guinn - Hospice Doctor
Michael Collins - Artist
Bonnie Joseph - Professor
Debbie Webb-Smith - Mother Claire Harwell - Lawyer
Barbara Hanrahan - Office Manager
Irene Agostioi - Physician
Carolyn Parsey - Doctor
Claire Santisteran - Student
Dana Corbo - Student
Eleanor Santisteran - Student
Meisja Corbo - Mother
Elizabeth Wolfstenholme - Copy-righter
Emilia Santisteran - Student
Amy Viera - BCBA Ellen Cort - School Counselor Natalie Teacher
Lysa Hopson - Air Force (retired)
Katie Leri - IT Analyst
Linda Hughes - Air Force Veteran
Judy Kosanovich - retired
Susana Suddarth - Educator
Nancy Halpin - Personal Trainer
Dana Darrow - Physical Therapist
Laura Atkins - Petrol Engineer (retired)
Dixie Davidson - Teacher (retired)
Rebecca Roth - Teacher (retired)
Elizabeth Nielsen - Professor (retired)
Chaytea Nielsen - Public School Teacher
Nancy Silvia - Artist Peggy Jimmel - Artitst
Geri Ayrault - Mother
Richard Kamb - Non-prfit Oil
Lucy Kamb - Student
Nancy Avedisan - Realtor
Vittoria Telles - Yoga Teacher
Clare Stroh - Student
Lori Willinghurst - Doctor
Brenda Dingus - Astrophysics

Thank you to everyone on flight 1894 from ABQ to BWI.

If I have mistaken your name, please let me know and I will correct it, accuracy is important to me. I truly appreciate your time and willingness to have your photograph taken. I could not let this moment pass us by. Turbulence stole the sharpness from a few photographs and the rush before landing scrambled a few names.

Created By
Nick Czerula

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