4 career pathways in Business Marketing and Management

Pearl River Community College's Business Marketing and Management program has several successful graduates. But what do they do once they turn their tassels? We're glad you asked! Check out the top four career pathways our graduates take.

Advance in Management Positions

Graduates of the Business Marketing and Management program often move into management positions within their current company, or they are hired as managers right out of college. Some courses that are required for the program aid in their ability to lead and mange others are as Follows:
  • Principles of Management
  • Retail Management
  • Human Resource Management

Open their own business

Small business account for 27.8 million businesses in the United States. That's a ton of people writing business plans! Don't worry, you'll write one too in our Marketing program! Courses required for the associates degree that also align with entrepreneurship are as follows:
  • Entrepreneurshp
  • E-Commerce
  • Merchandising Math

Specialize in Business/Marketing field

Some students find their calling while in the Marketing program and specialize in one of the marketing courses they enjoyed the most. We have alumni who have jobs in some of the following classes we offer:
  • Selling
  • Advertising
  • Social Media
  • Human Resource Management

Transfer to a university

We always promote continuing education in the Marketing program and we love to see our graduates transfer to a university for their Bachelors degree. If a student plans to transfer to a university, we recommend taking extra academic classes every semester.

If you are interested in enrolling or learning more information about the Business Marketing and Management program please contact an Instructor today!

Rebekah Jackson rejackson@prcc.edu

Katie Ball kball@prcc.edu


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