Exploring SolutionsC Molarity

C.10.C Calculate the concentration of solutions in units of molarity

Use your Student Progress Tracker to decide which level to start on. Complete at least 1 DIY for that level, then get the quiz from Mrs. Whitfield. Complete the quiz. Then proceed to the next level. You must complete Level 3 ("Meeting Expectation") but you may also complete Level 4 ("Exceeding Expectations") if you would like. Please jot down on your student tracker what you did for the DIY (and if you requested any workshops). The quizzes for Levels 1-3 will be averaged for the one daily grade for C.10.C; if you "placed out" of Level 1 or Level 2, you do not need to take those quizzes. If you choose to complete Level 4, the points earned on that quiz will count as bonus points for this daily grade.

1. Initiating Progress Students can define concentration of solution in units of molarity DIY Explore the pHet simulation "Molarity." http://tinyurl.com/o87x3ed (see QR code or button below) DIY Read Ch. 2 Section 3 (p. 60 & 61)(ebook p. 72 & 73) and Ch. 9 Section 2 (p. 272)(ebook p. 284) to review molarity. Assess: Answer quiz question from teacher.

2. Approaching Expectation Students identify the concentration of solutions in units of molarity DIY Read the handout Making a 1.0M Solution. Calculate how to make the solution, get teacher's check, watch the instructional video below, then make your solution in the lab. Assess: Answer quiz question from teacher.

Notice the blue line on the 2nd flask; that is the Fill Line (fill with water up to the line using a pipette as needed)

3. Meeting Expectation Calculate the concentration of solutions in units of molarity DIY: Watch the video on calculating molarity (see button and QR code below) AND also do DIY Complete the odd-numbered calculations on Molarity Practice Worksheet, then self-check. Assess: Answer Molarity Practice Worksheet (even numbers) and Warm Up to Science #70

4. Exceeding Expectation Students calculate the concentration of solutions in units of molarity and parts-per-million or other units. Assess: Murder Investigation

Created By
Sarah Whitfield


Created with images by K O - "Koolaid" • schlayphe - "laboratory volumetric flasks dilution series"

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