
The Great Indoors An Exploration of Your Space in Corona Times

After one week, two weeks (or perhaps more) of retreating inside, you may be experiencing some cabin fever, moments of hysteria, claustrophobia and fear...

...bored of your space and its repetitive surroundings?

Maybe you aren't even in your own space. Maybe you escaped to your in-laws, childhood home, aunts' and uncles' spare place?

Now, more than ever, is time to connect to your Great Indoors and consider...

Join me for a guided audio tour through The Great Indoors where you will be led on an experiential journey through your home with prompts and exercises.

This tour can be done alone, with your partner, your children, or on Zoom with some friends.

Before you set off on your journey to explore

The Great Indoors

click the button below to find a list of materials and prompts that will accompany you along the way

Discover how your space is a sanctuary for rest, reflection, safety, imagination or however else you may connect to your space

From your fans at M²

Click below to enter The Great Indoors


Created with images by Joel Filipe - "Infinity" • Tim Goedhart - "Out of everything optional, this one is least optional! This wall is found in the center of Amsterdam!" • Massimo Rinaldi - "untitled image"