Future Classroom Lab Regional Network How to become an Associate partner

About FCL Regio :

The Future Classroom Lab Regional Network project (FCL Regio) is providing new opportunities for regional educational authorities to explore common challenges related to the transformation of the education sector and the effective integration of ICT in schools. It currently includes three Regions (Autonomous Province of Trento, Catalonia, Gothenburg Association of Local Authorities), that are at the forefront of making innovative use of ICT, as well as European Schoolnet (EUN), a network of 30 national Ministries of education.

Brussels, 9th of May 2016 - FCL Regio Team

The FCL Regio is welcoming other regions and stakeholders in order to broaden up its network, and we would like to extend an invitation to suitable organisations to become Associate Partners of the project.

Those organisations include first and foremost:

  • Regional and local authorities with responsibility for school education.
  • Existing network of regional and local authorities.

The project partners will also consider the following organisations with the view to support the various strands of the project:

  • Professional associations of teachers and school staff.
  • Teacher education institutions, and organizations providing teacher continuing professional development (CPD).
  • Higher Education Institutions.

The role of the Associate Partners :

Associate partners are expected to contribute to the overall success of the project, and the achievement of its three objectives, in the measure they deem more appropriate. More specifically, Associate Partners will be encouraged to:

  • Contribute to the exchange of practices related to the use of mobile devices and cloud services by attending events organised by the project, providing documentation, presentation of initiatives and/or contribution from teachers and experts involved in their region or organisation.
  • Support the dissemination of the results of the FCL Regio project to their members, staff, users or any other appropriate audience for the project, especially the strategic guidelines and recommendations for school leaders and ICT advisers as well as resources and surveys. Translations are especially encouraged.
  • Participate to the development of the project by contributing in the way that best fits them by getting involved in surveys, participating in the annual strategic seminar, etc.

The benefits for Associate Partners:

  1. Become part of a community of stakeholders with a unique opportunity to exchange and learn with like-minded organisations and public authorities in order to support their own policy and strategy development.
  2. Have the opportunity to showcase their own best practices, contribute to the outcomes of the project as well as adjusting them for their own use.
  3. Access educational events for free, such as the annual strategic seminars and webinars and, when relevant, the EMINENT conference, the Experts Meeting in Education Networking annual event, organised by European Schoolnet.
  4. Be acknowledged for their contributions on the FCL Regio web page and promotional materials. e.g. via the inclusion of their logos.
  5. Enable teachers in regions to be more closely connected with national and Pan-European school networks and to have more opportunities to be directly involved in European wide projects.
  6. Have the opportunity to throw a wider light on innovative school and classroom practice in regions across Europe.

How to become a FCL Regio Associate Partner :

As the partnership is expected to be mutually beneficial for both the project and the associate partner, no membership fees are foreseen. Any organisations or public authorities interested in joining the network should first discuss the details of their potential involvement with Tommaso Dalla Vecchia, European Schoolnet, to identify:

  • How the Project can benefit from the Associate Partner contribution
  • How the Associate Partner can benefit from the FCL Regio project
  • The specific commitments the Associate Partner may be willing to make

To become an Associate partner:

And send it back to tommaso.dallavecchia@eun.org

The Associate Partner Agreement will be signed upon approval by the FCL Regio partners

For more information, please visit the dedicated webpage:

Or you can contact: tommaso.dallavecchia@eun.org

Twitter: @eu_schoolnet #fcl_eu #fcl_regio

Partners :

Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Göteborgsregionens kommunalförbund
Generalitat de Catalunya
EUN Partnership AISBL

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