Steve Jobs By: Vanessa Barriga

Steve Jobs was born February 24, 1955.

Steve Jobs’ full name is Steven Paul Jobs.

Steve Jobs was put up for adoption by two University of Wisconsin graduates.

His biological father was a science professor and his biological mom was a speech therapist.

Steve is biologically half Arab (comes from his father).

Steve lived in San Francisco, California, when he was young.

Steve has a little sister named Mona Simpson.

Steve was a pescetarian meaning he didn’t eat meat, he only ate fish.

Jobs was pretty bad at school in all his grade levels (there wasn’t anything special with his education).

Steve Jobs went to Homestead High School and Reed College (Steve attended Reed College in 1972).

Steve Jobs was a drop out of Reed College.

His father was a Coast Guard veteran and mechanic.

His father and Jobs loved to work on technology when he was little.

Jobs was a prankster when he was little and he really didn’t like school.

Jobs loved working with electronics.

Jobs biggest accomplishments was creating Apple.

Steve did have help creating Apple from Stephen Wozniak.

He also created devices like the iphones, ipads, ipods and macs.

The first apple computer was sold for $200,000.

Steve Jobs was then kicked out of Apple in 1985.

Steve Jobs began to be one of the three head leaders of Pixar for a while in 1985.

Jobs was named the head of the CEO Pixar Animation Studios.

Erin Jobs- left, Eve Jobs- middle, Lisa Jobs-right.

Jobs was married to Laurene Powell.

Steve Jobs had three daughters named Lisa Brennan Jobs, Erin Siena Jobs, and Eve Jobs.

The slogan “Think Different” started for Apple in the fall of 1997.

Steve did have pancreatic cancer.

Steve Jobs died at the age of 56 years.

Steve Jobs died October 5, 2011.

Steve Jobs died in Palo, Altoa, California.

Walter Isaacson wrote a book about Steve Jobs which was then turned into a movie.

Steve Jobs has been and always will be known as the grades tech inventor.

Work Cited


Steve Jobs-Wikipedia

Jobs, Steven Paul-infoplease


Steve Jobs


Created with images by segagman - "Steve Jobs 1955-2011" • cattalin - "salmon dish food" • Pavlofox - "macro focus cogwheel"

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