Leonardo Da Vinci by elisa lauro 2^m

Leonardo Da Vinci was an artist in all areas (painting, sculpture, music, architecture, literature) and studied all the sciences (mathematics, physics, space, mechanical, engineering, anatomy, geology). For its extraordinary studies is called Universal Man.

Leonardo was born in Vinci April 15, 1452 the son of a notary and a peasant. At the age of fourteen he painted so well that he started working in the workshop of Verrocchio. Here he learned to paint and sculpt. He lived in Florence and then moved to Milan, Mantua, passed from Venice then returned to Florence in about fifty years. He realizes the altarpiece in the Palazzo della Signoria in Florence, the equestrian statue in honor of Francesco Sforza, The Last Supper at Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, the portraits of Isabella d'Este, the portrait of the Mona Lisa.

He was at the service of Cesare Borgia as an engineer and architect and follows him on his military campaigns in Romagna. He studied fortifications and war machines. He painted The Battle of Anghiari in the Palazzo Vecchio.

At 56 he returned to Milan and studied anatomy and geology. At 60 he went to Rome and studied mathematics and science.

At 63 he left Italy and went to the court of Francis l of France. He died May 2, 1519 to 67 years in the castle of Cloux, Amboise.

He was a hydraulic engineer, his most important works are the locks of rivers; military, he made many drawings of weapons, the machine gun and tank; aeronautics, he designed the parachute, the flying machine; road, transport, mathematician.

Because he was an artist, he studied the anatomy of the human body.

He was very successful as a painter, made the paintings of portraits of Ginevra Benci, Isabella d'Este and Cecilia Gallerani, The Virgin of the Rocks, The lady with pearls, the disheveled, The Adoration of the Magi, The Annunciation, The Mona Lisa, the virgin and St. Anna, the Benois madonna, La belle Ferronnière the Lady with ermine and his only male portrait: portrait of a musician.


Created with images by MAMJODH - "Leonardo da Vinci self portrait, Chambord Castle, Loire Valley, France - The metallic stone effect is generated by computer" • goranmx - "leonardo da vinci inventor intelligence" • WikiImages - "mona lisa painting art" • ell brown - "Cannon in Clos Luce Park" • bshamblen - "Leonardo da Vinci Exhibit, Science Museum, London, England" • mdwombat - ""Da Vinci Vitruve" photo by Luc Viatour" • Allie_Caulfield - "2009-03-13 03-16 Krakau 186 Muzeum Czartoryskich, Leonardo da Vinci, Lady with an Ermine"

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