Amy Carmichael WolfiaMoon700

Born in Millsle, Northern Ireland, Amy carmichael was the eldest of 7 children

Near her eighteenth birthday, her father died. From this loss Amy had to care for her siblings herself, whilst suffering from neuralgia.

Neuralgia- Intense, typically intermittent pain along the course of a nerve, especially in the head or face.

Unlike most children she had an at home education and did mill work.

“Everything, everything seemed to be saying ‘Go’, through all sounds the cry seemed to rise, ’Come over and help us.’ Every bit of pleasure of work which has come to me, has had underlying it the thought of those people who have never, never heard of Jesus; before my eyes clearer than any lovely view has been the constant picture of those millions who have no chance, and never had one, of hearing of the love which makes our lives so bright.”

Hence suffering from neuralgia, many mission trips she could not go on. Her first official mission trip was in japan.

Whilst in Japan, Amy wore kimonos and learned a bit of Japanese, but after 15 months she had to leave because of her poor health.

Kimono- A long, loose robe with wide sleeves and tied with a sash, originally worn as a formal garment in Japan and now also used elsewhere as a robe.

Nine months later, Amy was accepted by the Church of England Zenana Mission to go as a missionary to India.

It took Amy some time to settle down to life as a missionary in India hence Having little in common with the other missionaries, and being unable to speak to the natives, Amy experienced acute bouts of loneliness. Additionally, she struggled with ill health to such a degree that some of her fellow missionaries predicted that she would not last more than six months. Despite these setbacks, Amy persevered with the study of the Tamil language, longing to be able to share the gospel in a language the natives could understand.

It was after being appointed to minister in the Tinnevelly District that Amy first became aware of the horrifying practice of giving little girls to the Hindu 'gods'. The practice, which had begun sometime around the 6th century, involved grooming girls, some of them only babies, for a life of ritualized prostitution. Considered to be the property of the gods, the girls had no rights of their own and could be abused and tortured without censure.

Grooming- (of a pedophile) prepare (a child) for a meeting, especially via an Internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual offense.

Amy’s work in the Tinnevelly District brought her to Dohnavur, a small village thirty miles from the southern tip of India. Originally, Amy and her fellow missionaries intended to use Dohnavur merely as a base for a few month’s of missionary activity in the region. But then again, God had other plans. Dohnavur became a base for one of the world’s most successful missionary places, offering sanctuary to hundreds of girls, and eventually to boys too, who had escaped from a fate worse than death.

After gaining a reputation for rescuing children, many escaped girls made their way to Dohnavur. But Amy did not just wait around for people to arrive. Whenever she heard about someone in danger, Amy would be active in doing all she could to rescue the child. She would sometimes travel incredibly long distances on India’s hot, dusty roads just to save one simple child. She was called 'Amma' , or Mother.

The love of God radiated from Amy like a magnet, touching so many lives and pointing people towards Jesus. When Amy died in 1951 at the age of 83, she left behind herself an amazing legacy, both in the lives of those she had touched as well as in the literary output that she left behind.


From prayer that asks that I may be Sheltered from winds that beat on Thee, From fearing when I should aspire, From faltering when I should climb higher From silken self, O Captain, free Thy soldier who would follow Thee. From subtle love of softening things, From easy choices, weakening, (Not thus are spirits fortified, Not this way went the Crucified) From all that dims Thy Calvary O Lamb of God, deliver me. Give me the love that leads the way, The faith that nothing can dismay The hope no disappointments tire, The passion that will burn like fire; Let me not sink to be a clod; Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God

We are trusted to spread the spirit of love. Tenderness in judgment, the habit of thinking the best of one another, unwillingness to believe evil, grief if we are forced to do so, eagerness to believe good, joy over one recovered from any slip or fall, unselfish gladness in another’s joys, sorrow in another’s sorrow, readiness to do anything to help another entirely irrespective of self- all this and much more is included in that wonderful word love. If love weakens among us, if it ever becomes possible to tolerate the least shadow of an unloving thought, our Fellowship will begin to perish. Unlove is deadly. It is a cancer. It may kill slowly but it always kills in the end. Let us fear it, fear to give room to it as we should fear to nurse a cobra. It is deadlier than any cobra. And just as one minute drop of the almost invisible cobra venom spreads swiftly all over the body of one into whom it has been injected, so one drop of the gall of unlove in my heart or yours, however unseen, has a terrible power of spreading all through our Family, for we are one body – we are parts of one another. If one member suffers loss, all suffer loss. Not one of us liveth to herself.

Our precious Ammai [‘Ammai’ means ‘true mother’ in Tamil] was having her morning chota. When she saw me, the first thing she did was to put me on her lap and kiss me. I thought, ‘My mother used to put me on her lap and kiss me – who is this person who kisses me like my mother?’ From that day she became my mother, body and soul.’

I hope you have liked this presentation on Amy Carmichael. I hope you have learned that no matter what she persevered. That she loved all no matter whom it was. She risked her life for children just for the sake of wanting to save them. She became a safe house for those who were scared and in trouble. She became the Ammai to many children and gave many hope to one day escape their terrible fate. She had a family, a true spiritual family. She got through her illness with the help of God and she brought so many to become believers. I hope that you have learned that no matter what there are people that love you and who are your family, and God is always there for you to preform your best in Him.

"Amy Carmichael." Youth Missions to the Unreached - History Makers. N.p.,n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.

"The Fellowship of His Sufferings: The Testimony of Amy Carmichael." Christian Voice UK. N.p.,n.d. Web 24 April 2017.


Created with images by Nick Kenrick.. - "Rajasthan . India" • Barbara Walsh Photography - "Annascaul Lake" • Barbara Walsh Photography - "View from the connor Pass" • jarmoluk - "old books book old" • Comfreak - "candle flame water" • Bergadder - "mandulavirág almond flowers" • ptksgc - "kimono girl japanese" • Nick Kenrick.. - "Rajasthan . India" • Pexels - "light creative night" • Ahron de Leeuw - "Eyes (Varanasi India)" • chem7 - "Hindu Statues, KL" • VasenkaPhotography - "Java ~ Hindu Temple ~ Prambanan" • kenny barker - "RIVERBANK" • Christopher.Michel - "‪Hardest thing to do in photography: Find inspiration in the commonplace. ‬" • 3dman_eu - "analysis antique background" • Pads since 200X something - "bible" • esiul - "insect nature live"

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