OLD People this is a TolErance project about old people :)

Poeple like to abuse there elders in nusing home. They also take advantage of them. This video shows what people think about that.

Only 3.6% of people over 65 years old are in nursing homes. Elderly men are likely to live with a spouse while elderly women are more likely to live alone. 4 in 5 older adults will battle at least one chronic condition or illness such as heart disorders, arthritis, or osteoporosis. 50% will battle at least two. 11 Facts About Old Age | DoSomething.org | Volunteer for ... DoSomething.org › facts › 11-facts-abou...
"Excessive Hunger and Increased Appetite in the Elderly. A slight loss in appetite is considered somewhat of the norm in the senior years. There is several reasons why this occurs and in most cases it is a moderate reduction and not a cause for concern. Sometimes a senior may experience an increase in appetite that is associated with frequent hunger pangs even a short while after eating and leading to weight gain. Here to it may not be a cause for concern but should be investigated as it can be a sign of several conditions."


Old People Support Group ghey help with all sorts of old people things like i think bingo and homes and food and awesome stuff oike that


Created with images by Leroy_Skalstad - "people peoples homeless" • building construction partnership - "Willowbeck Nursing Home" • rmhoornweg - "food"

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