Students with an emphasis in the Conducting, Performance emphases (all catalogs) or Vocal Pedagogy emphasis (2019-2021 catalog only) must complete a Recital Project as part of their degree requirements. The three options are outlined below. Please make sure you follow the deadlines listed in the Timelines for Graduation on the Comprehensive Exam page.
Additional Solo or Chamber Music Recital
A recital approximately one hour in length with repertoire not presented on a previous graduate recital. Students who complete the additional solo or chamber recital as their recital project must complete written and oral comprehensive exams. The recital project will be evaluated by the student's recital committee and the written and oral comprehensive exams will be evaluated by the student's comprehensive exam committee.
Lecture Recital
The Lecture Recital is designed to give students the opportunity to prepare a presentation focusing on a topic connected with a specific composition, collection of works, music of a specific composer, or otherwise thematically coherent research topic. This type of presentation is common for performing academic musicians at professional music conferences, as well as a common requirement for DMA degrees. The lecture recital allows a performer to develop his or her understanding of music, as well the ability to communicate this understanding with peers. The lecture recital must consist of a minimum of 20-30 minutes of performance. The repertoire must differ from previous recital repertoire (exceptions may be granted with committee approval). Drafts of all written materials must be submitted to committee members according to the deadlines posted in the timelines. Students who complete the lecture recital as their recital project must complete written and oral comprehensive exams. The recital project will be evaluated by the student's recital committee and the written and oral comprehensive exams will be evaluated by the student's comprehensive exam committee.
Recital Document
The Recital Document is a formal scholarly text addressing in depth the works performed on the candidate's degree recital. The function of the recital document is twofold: (1) its preparation requires students to address the historical, cultural, formal, and performative aspects of the musical works on the recital to achieve a depth of understanding that informs their performances and (2) the document serves as a model for the types of the professional writing, research, and analysis that is expected of academically trained professional musicians. The expected length is 40-60 pages although length may vary depending on the candidate's emphasis or major instrument. The document must be completed no later than the comprehensive exam. Students who complete the recital document as their recital project must complete oral comprehensive exams--the recital document serves as the written comprehensive exam. The recital project will be evaluated by the student's comprehensive exam committee.