Neat brIDge By sonny, hollister, owen

Maillau Viaduct

Location: Millau, France above the Tarn river

Built: built on oct. 6 2001, it took 3 years to build

Type of bridge: it is a cable-stayed bridge

People involved : During 1993–1994 the government talked to with seven architects and eight structural engineers. In 1995–1996, a second definition study was made by five architect groups and structural engineers. In January, 1995, the government issued a "declaration of public interest" to ask for design ideas for a competition. In July, 1996, the jury chose to build a cable-stayed design bridge with multiple spans. The choice to continue by grant of contract was made in May, 1998. Then, in June, 2000 the contest for the construction contract begun, open to four consortia. In March, 2001 Eiffage created the subsidiary, Compagnie Eiffage du Viaduc de Millau (CEVM), and was declared winner of the contest and presented the prime contract in August.

5 facts: The bridge is 2,460 meters tall, making it the worlds tallest bridge, the bridge cost a total of $394,000,00, it is taller than the Eiffel Tower, it was built because of problems with traffic on the route from Paris to Spain along the stretch passing through the Tarn valley near the town of Millau, the bridge's lifetime is predicted to be at least 120 years

Maillau viaduct


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