Boom to Bust courtney trutt

The Changing Economy

In the 1920s, bankers and stockbrokers did not worry about the economy. The economy was doing so well that they did not think they needed to worry about. They were content in their jobs, until the decade was coming to an end. The stock market crash of 1929 hit these important workers the hardest. They lost all of their savings and were no longer content.
For women, as the economy transitioned into the Great Depression, they were the first to lose their jobs or wages. Women were needed more at home in the 1930s and most of the time did not work. As shown in these photos, during the 1920s women were happily working, but during the 1930s they were working on keeping their family secure, in the home.

Life in the Home

Life in the home changed extremely negatively from the 1920s to the 1930s. Men and women went from having their friends over all of the time, to not being able to afford food every day. As previously stated, stockbrokers lost all of their savings and lost their homes and inside of it.
As you can see, the homes of wealthy men and women were no longer affordable during the Great Depression. The families went from lavish living spaces, to shanty towns or "Hoovervilles" outside of major cities.
Many women were hit especially hard in Great Depression with living space. Many of their husbands abandoned them, and because no one wanted them to work, they could not afford their homes or even food anymore. Many abandoned women ended up moving their homes to "Hoovervilles," also.

Spending Leisure Time Wisely

Important men of the 1920s had a lot of money friends. They could afford more then most people and chose to use that money primarily on entertainment. These men and women were going to a club or movie, this night.
One thing that remained constant during the 1930s form the '20s were movies. Many people looked to cinemas adn art to express how they were feeling or to escape their bad feelings. Although, for the bankers and stockbrokers, who lost so much during the stock crash, they could barely afford to see a movie in the 1930s.
The top two photos show how women spent their free time during the 1920s. This was the time when they were not working or taking care of any children. Many women went to clubs or out dancing to enjoy themselves. They met men if they were single and did not worry about much. Then, as shown in the bottom pictures, in the 1930s women did not have much free time, considering they were always taking care of their families or working to earn any money they could.

During the 1920s the economy was in a very good position. Men and women were working and earning money. The economy it was driven by a consumerist society where everyone wanted to buy new things even when they did not need them. The economy thrived and most people were happy. Most people did not worry about much. As the 1920s progressed and moved into the 1930s, the economy did worse until it finally crashed in the 1929. After the economy crashed, 25% of Americans were unemployed and in severe poverty. The 1930s were vastly different from the 1920s and most people did not do well.

As the economy changed from the 1920s to the 1930s, so did most family home lives. Women were needed more at home and most did not have jobs in the 1930s unlike the 1920s when many women worked and simultaneously raised to their families. The 1930s brought much hardship to American women as they now needed to “cut corners” in order to keep their family a happy, healthy and functional. As the Great Depression progressed, women began to work in jobs that man did not want to do. They were less likely to be fired this way and it helped earn money for their family.

As many lives Vastly changed throughout the decade, Time spent outside of the home, people’s leisure time changed as well. Most went from drinking and partying, to listening to President Roosevelt on the radio and selling their items for needed money. In their 1920s free time, bankers were out spending money, just because they could. As the 1930s rolled in, bankers and stockbrokers were hit the hardest. They could no longer spend their leisure time out with friends or spending money, because they had no money to spend. The Great Depression was really a terrible end to such a fun decade like the 1920s.

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