San Diego State Campus Outreach

San Diego State Staff

"Raising up Christ-Centered leaders"- this is the vision we have been sharing with our students for the last four years since moving out here. We are experiencing the great joy and incredible fruit of seeing young leaders begin to lead our ministry.

"It is a lot of fun to go into the dorms and spend time with students, it has been much for fun taking a team of students leaders with me".

Campus Outreach/Young Life boat party

These are the young men and women (mostly freshmen) who have gone "all-in" with Jesus this semester!

Kareem, Rigo, Kyla, Judith, Evan

Lots of small groups and bible studies getting started this year!

bible studies happening in freshmen dorms and fraternity houses.


Weekly Dinners

Diversity- 55% of our student leaders are considered ethnic minorities. We love being able to minister in a place where people from all backgrounds come together.

New Year's Conference in Austin, TX.

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