Yes You Did Thanks, President Obama

You made history with your election.

You passed the Affordable Care Act, helping millions of Americans gain access to affordable healthcare.

You made sure that everyone was free to love who they wanted. #LoveWins

You passed the Clean Power Act, which will encourage power plants to create more renewable energy.

Finally, you carried yourself with the utmost dignity and respect, even in the face of adversity.

For all of these things and many more, Thanks Obama.

It's been a great run.


Created with images by 271277 - "obama barack obama president" • janeb13 - "the u s president barack obama welcomes" • Stefan_Schranz - "crutches ill injured" • Fibonacci Blue - "Crowd at the same sex marriage vote in the Minnesota Senate" • Pexels - "blue sky energy engineering" • ProgressOhio - "Obama In Columbus" • janeb13 - "barack obama and bo play run"

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