Libby Watches A Play The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt

The Social Experience

I went to this play with my friends. It was really fun, because we all carpooled and then sat together. My experience was enhanced because I do everything with them, so it made sense we would experience something in a learning environment together. To get ready, I got out of bed and picked my friends up in my car. Afterwards, my friends and I talked about how we were surprised that we all enjoyed the play. It was a good experience to share together, and I think being around people you love enhances experiences and contributes to the Good Life.

The Spatial Experience:

This is me taking a selfie with the theatre from my seat. I was smack dab in the middle of the place. I enjoyed this, because I feel like I got a perfect view of every angle. I liked that the auditorium was not too huge. It was more intimate, but not in an awkward way. Your surrounding can inspire you and that is why I think they contribute to the Good Life.

The Cultural and Intellectual Experience:

This is me when leaving the theatre. After the play, I reflected on the thoughts that I experienced after watching the play. The play had two main subjects that it addressed. One was child labor / working conditions in factories during the turn of the 20th century. The other is child molestation in catholic churches. Both of these subjects are very serious. I was honestly surprised the play addresses such deep matters. I watched a movie called "Spotlight" which is about a group of journalists investigating child abuse happening in catholic churches. The results were astronomical. Because of this movie, I had known about the problem of sexual abuse in catholic churches before the play. On the subject of child labor / working conditions in factories, I learned a lot about it in high school. The play addressed this when one of the workers had two nieces die in the factory, and when the main character's little brother died from inhaling fumes in the factory while hiding from visitors of the factory. The play reminded me that these tragedies happened, and that they could still occur.

The Emotional Experience:

I used this picture to represent different emotions people could experience while watching something like a play. Katharsis relates to this play because I think that if Talbot would have told the truth about what happened to him, he would have experienced less grief. It is important to talk to someone when something bad happens in your life. A lot of people were hiding things in the play. The owner of the factory was hiding the fact that he had kids working there, and put the workers through horrible working conditions. If he would have come clean earlier, at least three deaths could have been avoided. Coming clean affects the person who is coming clean and those around them in a positive way. Talbot definitely should have come clean. Someone going through what he was should not have to do that alone.

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