Travel Peyton orick

Free Trip

  • People will receive a letter at home offering free plane ticket
  • The plane ticket is from a "National Airline" offering 2 free plane tickets
  • These tickets are worth nearly $1300
  • A good salesperson pressures them into buying the tickets by calling a toll-free number

How To avoid this

  • If you receive one of these, you just should not believe this is real.
  • Throw away the ticket right away so you don't forget or have another family member try to use it.

Exclusive Club

  • People are invited to a travel seminar, or receive a gift, or VIP card.
  • Once arrived at location, marketers hold them and get salesmen to lure victims to buy shady offers.
  • They will offer exclusive club deals, or VIP cards

How to Avoid

  • Refunds are nearly impossible to get back.
  • Don't accept any offers you get on email or a random phone call.

Want Some Pizza? Think again

  • The scammer will put a pizza menu in your mailbox, hotel, or motel room.
  • You call the number for the pizza and give them your credit card information and BAM! You gave your credit card to a criminal who now has access to your account.

Avoid this!!

  • Delivery people have their own paying device with them
  • Pay when you see the food
  • If their POS system is down, just refuse to give credit card and pay with cash or just forget the pizza and eat in for the night.

Drivers License

  • Aimed at newcomers, international students, or foreign workers
  • Say the need international license
  • They say, "We charge 80$ instead of 150$"
  • They will give you fake number if you have problems receiving it.

How to avoid

  • If you are newcomer, you can drive in America with your own license up to 1 year.


Created with images by tookapic - "passport travel journey" • karinasetiawan - "vip table dining table setting" • Dana Moos - "I don't often take away much from Guy Fieri but one of his recent Diners, drive ins and Dives shows took him to a place that made a fried cheese pizza! No crust! So no carbs so I had to try it. It completely satisfied the pizza craving and the cheese cru"

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