My Bucket List By saul reynaga

1. One thing I want for my bucket list is shoes. I want shoes because they are inspiring.
2. I also want to go to Bora Bora. I want to go because it looks peaceful.
3. I also want to go scuba diving. I would want to go scuba diving at Cayman Islands.
4. Get a good car.
5. Become a business man at a company.
6. Go on a cruz ship. Why because it looks interesting.
7. I would also want to invent something cool.
8. I would want to own a big house or a nice house.
9. Make my moms dreams come true.
10. Be in a street race. So I can feel the wind hitting me.
11. I would want to graduate high school.
12. Go on a family road trip.
13. I would like to explore abandoned places.
14. Work at a repair shop to fix up cars.
15. I want to be a successful person.
16. I also want to have money.
17. I also want a white tiger.
18. I would like to go on the tallest building in the world.
19. I would want to have a good career.
20. I would also like to swim with sharks.

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