You'll like it here (Everybody does) Book Review By:Addison mms

What would you do if you were living with an alien? In the book by Ruth White You’ll Like It Here Everybody Does this is the one big question. Meggie wanted to blend in, but people found out she and her family were aliens. Consequently, she traveled to a different dimension. Then she lived in a weird place where everyone wore grey and had strict schedules to follow. No one was ordinary.

My favorite part in this book was how they travel to a different dimension. They had a machine that whistled and whirled and emitted smoke then they vanished into a weird place. However, when they traveled there as a result they had to learn how to live there like everyone else and blend in. Meggie was feeling scared and nervous but so happy to escape the place that betrayed her and her family.

In this book it teaches you a life lesson. This book teaches you that you need to be yourself. Don’t blend in with the crowd embrace that you are there. In this book they are aliens that stand out from the crowd. Sense they are different they blend in they don’t embrace it.

Something I love about this book is the conflict. It seemed like every single page had a new problem. The conflict made the book worthwhile. It made you keep turning the pages.

So if you were an alien would you hide, runaway, or embrace it? Join the journey of twists and turns to see what happens to Meggie and her family.

Created By
Addi White


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