MY SHOT By Daniela martinez, period 2

After listening to "My Shot" by Lin-Manuel Miranda I noticed that Hamilton had been through some of this toughest times like I have. I have experienced a family member passing away at a young age. Hamilton's mother died when he was 13.

Alexander Hamilton, January 11, 1757 - July 12, 1804

Although, I had a tragic start in my childhood I have started to get over it slowly by slowly. My cousin could have studied and been the doctor she wanted to be. Since, she was not able to reach her goal, I know that I have the chance to study and to go to High School and then University to become a Gynecologist. With the help of my parents I have done well in my studies and I will reach my goal even if its not easy. Becoming a Gynecologist will help me make my mark in history since I will be there to help and advise people when they need me. I wish someday to reach my goal and feel that everything I did since Elementary was what got me to where I am.

Someday I want to be a Gynecologist.

Reaching my goal, will make my family proud and I will be able to keep my promise to my cousin. Therefore, "I will not throw away my shot".

I won't let this chance go away.

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