Homework Overload BY: Amanda Roseman

Homework has become the downfall of many students...

Sleep is no longer a priority

  • It takes away from their sleep schedules, causing them to be exhausted and less focused.
  • Students stay up too late trying to accomplish assignments and do not get the appropriate amount of sleep, which takes away from their learning in school as well.

due to lack of sleep,Homework has also become one of the leading causes of stress in teenagers.

  • Students have become overwhelmed with all of their responsibilities, homework being one of the main ones.
  • Stress is very unhealthy, especially for younger ages.
  • Stress is a big reason that students give up on their studies
students do not perform as well on tests and quizzes because of all their time focused on homework.

students will receive better outcomes when more homework is done in class

  • when students have more time to focus on studies and get more rest they will be more likely to get good grades.
  • decreasing the amount of homework is beneficial both mentally and physically.


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