Muslim Civil Rights By Nicholas heinen, Jacob chambers and julian celaya

In late January, President trump signed an executive order, travel ban, banning anyone from: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen

Trump signing the order
Left: Muslims from the seven banned countries are denied to come to America. Right: Ban is ended; can now enter US

Response: Civil liberties are the laws established through a community with regards to freedom action of speech. Civil liberties are earned, but everyone deserves to be treated fairly and equal. When your rights are taken away or avoided, people will begin to stand up , To have your civil liberties taken away would mean that you are being treated wrongly and viewed as not a member of the community. What is being taken from the Muslims is the right to enter the United States. I would fight for the freedom to speech, because it is not only in the constitution, but a natural right to speak your mind and not be harassed or harmed because of it. Everyone deserves to give in their word on something that they believe isn't right. . I would fight for civil liberty because it is everyone’s freedom and we all need to have our own civil liberty of rights to the people. I would fight for the freedom of speech because we all deserve the right so speak our thoughts. We all deserve to speak our opinions.

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