#PelicanYoga Cancelled All Classes Today To Have XMAS Party STORY AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBERT NEFF

Dec 19, 2016. The Pelican Beakon, the pelican newspaper, reports on today's #PelicanYoga Xmas Party at Little McPherson Bayou, located on Historic Pass-A-Grille, St. Pete Beach, Florida

The Merry Pier location for #PelicanYoga was vacant except a few anhingas and cormorants.

The Anhinga was wondering why there was plenty of room?

The cormorant was wondering the same thing?

The Shell Key Shuttle usually points to the Merry Pier location for #PelicanYoga. 

Pelicans from all over Tampa Bay arrived via Pass-A-Grille Channel but turned to stop at Merry Pier to invite the anhingas and cormorants.

Little McPherson Bayou Rookery is next to the Loews Don CeSar Hotel. Plenty of room to host the XMAS party. Humans who attend can stay at the Loews Don CeSar Hotel.

The Rookery has room in the bayou for when the XMAS party really gets crowded!

Chance for old friends mingle.

If you have too much pickle fish, you can sleep it off. rather not have you fly home pickled!

The conversations and cheer were nonstop.

Little McPherson Bayou Rookery is the permanent location for #PelicanYoga XMAS Party. Reserve the rookery for your party!

Enjoy more stories and images of what I get to enjoy everyday!

Purchase Robert Neff's Photography online at Saatachi Art, Adobe Stock Photography and Fotolia. If you see a photograph that is not there, let me know. I can add the image.

Venice, Italy. 2007

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Created By
Robert Neff


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