Protest music The Unknown Soldier - The Doors

Who is the group?

The Doors

What is the name of the song?

The Unknown Soldier

When was it recorded/released?


What other songs do they sing?

Break on Through (To the Other Side), L.A. Woman, Roadhouse Blues

Wait until the war is over

And we're both a little older

The unkown soldier

Breakfast where the news is read

Television children fed

Unborn living, living, dead

Bullet strikes the helmet's head

And it's all over

For the unkown soldier

It's all over

For the unkown soldier

What do the lyrics and verses mean?

"Breakfast where the news is read, television children fed" This is talking about how people would here about the terrible things in Vietnam as they read the newspaper and watched television. Children were not hidden from the cruel truth as they were fed and the parents watched the news.

"Unborn living, living, dead, bullet strikes the helmet's head". This refers to how people are born and then unwillingly forced into the military due to the draft and and then die as they fight in battle.

"And it's all over for the unknown soldier, it's all over for the unknown soldier". The soldier who are dying are not even recognized for their acts and they die for a cause but may never be known for it.

How does this relate to things going on at the time?

These lyrics are reflective of the war going on at the time, the Vietnam War, and how the American men were dying and the horrific things going on. Also it reflects on how the war was portrayed to the normal average American people.

What is the overall message of the song?

The song is an anti-war anthem to not only protest the Vietnam war but all war in general because war affects everyone and hurts all it affects.

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