My Trip to Canada/Kyle

So first we made a decision to go to Canada for vacation it was Sunday and we couldn't go on weekdays. We called them up and my mom said can we stay till Monday through Wednesday and they said yes we'll have to be their by at least 9:00 in he morning so that's not that bad.

I was thinking of going to school but there really isn't a point cause I'll go to school then 30 minutes later I'll be picked up so I didn't. I went to pack up my cloth and my chargers and other stuff as we were rushing like always. I just got to the sink to brush my teeth and I still need to do my hair:) but I still need to drop by my school to let them know that I won't be their for the past days and I have too ask my teachers if I have any work

So we were just about leave we got all of our stuff and we were on our way. First we went to the school to inform my teachers and the office and I got my work so obviously I didn't read my book cause I'll probably get car sick.But while on our way I fell asleep. When I woke up hours later we were near the air port and I knew that I was asleep the whole ride shockingly. So we got our bags and we went to go get our tickets and check in and while we did we stoped to get lunch at a buffet and I just got the normal a ham and cheese sandwich it was really good

Canadan Buffet

As we were about down we got the check for the food now we have a big family not to big but pretty big so we are used to spending a lot of money, it was $46.67 and of course we paid for it.So on our way we were close to getting on the plane . And a couple minutes later we were their so we had to show them out tickets and we were on our way.

We were on the plane and my mom gave me gum so my ears won't pop I hate that! As we were on the plane it's a pretty long ride so I was bored cause I couldn't use my phone so I did my homework I know I'm bored and that's not going to help but at least me doing it I'll get it over with quicker.


So we were on the plane and it was just about to land to Canada and we were so happy it was a long trip. I managed to finish my homework so that a relief. And then next thing I know the air pilote said landing in 5 min I was never more happy

We just landed and I finally got to stand up, i know I was already aloud but I thought it would be wired just standing up. As we were walking of the plane when we made is to the main office we had to find our luggage a couple minutes later we got it and we were on our way to the hotel.

As we were driving and we were going to our hotel it was getting late so I knew we weren't going to do an activity but we got tomorrow. And so we got to the hotel it wasn't that far away kinda it was like an hour but we finally got their. So we checked in and we put our luggage in a holder and we took the elorvator to the 5th floor and we got to put every thing down and we put the food in the fridge set up the beds we got three of them and when we were done we all went to sleep.


So we woke up and usually we all take a shower and it takes a while cause we go one at a time but once we were finally done. And we went in the elevator to go to the main floor and we went to get breakfast. And as we were waiting someone came up and showed us around and what we can get so we can just walk up and get what you want. So when we were about done we had to pay for all the food and it was $53.89 that's not bad well for my parents it is but not for us.

So we were on out way to climb mount Thor and I was a little scared cause I'm afraid of heights but atleast it will be fun. And so we finally got their and we got our stuff to do it and we were so far on a good start and it's pretty tiring but also fun. And so as time went down we got higher and higher and we stoped around 1:00 to have a picanic. And I ate pretty fast same with my brother and we were so close as we continued.

As we made it close enough to the let top it was a long journey and we were all relieved and so we just had to go back down. And we made it down we just had to walk the trail to our car. It was a really fun trip. As we made is to the car we were on our way to the hotel. So we made it to the hotel and I just got a pop tart form the cabinet and watched tv when I was done I went to bed.


So we woke up and we were ready for our next activity so we had to pack up our stuff cause we were going on a camping trip. And like a hour later we were ready and so first we went down to the main area and had breakfast and checked out cause after camping we are going to leave. So after breakfast we went to our camping area. And we set up our tents and other stuff and made a fire.

So we started camping and we were just about to make the best desert s'mores it's like chocolate with crackers and marsh mellows it's good!! So we were just at the fire and my brother and dad went hunting for food like deer or something. And them came back and the got some snake surpriseingly and we cooked it. And when we were done that we had our s'mores and we were just about to leave.

And we went to the car after packing every thing up and we drove to the airport and it was a long trip in Canada and a fun one. As the the plane came to a stop to home we got off and thanked the pilots and we left. And we got home and put every thing back in our rooms and I was getting ready to have my mom show me the pictures and videos and I loved them. I'll never forget the trip to Canada.


Created with images by European Southern Observatory - "Milky Way Shines over Snowy La Silla" • robertnelson - "CES Gear & Bag" • 松林L - "IMG_4098.JPG" • abdallahh - "yul" • MSVG - "Air Canada" • Snufkin - "book education paper" • Greencolander - "hotel" • andreasdantz - "Big man breakfast" • falco - "iceland thor mark eyjafjallajökull" • Pexels - "camping cold grass" • Snufkin - "campfire fire burn" • AlainAudet - "twilight sunset landscape"

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