Mongolia & Taiwan The Experience

By: Ethan Homeyer, Darrien Voeltz, and Sierra Koehn

Kazakh Eagle Hunters

The History of Mongolia

Outer Mongolia declared independence from the Qing Dynasty in 1911, the same year in which the Republic of China was established following the Xinhai Revolution. Under the terms of the 1946 Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, the Republic of China recognised Mongolian independence.

History of Taiwan

The history of Taiwan dates back tens of thousands of years to the earliest known evidence of human habitation. The sudden appearance of a culture based on agriculture around 3000 BC is believed to reflect the arrival of the ancestors of today's Taiwanese aborigines.

Culture of Taiwan

Lantern Festival

The culture of Taiwan is a blend of Confucianist Han Chinese and Taiwanese aborigines cultures, which are often perceived in both traditional and modern understandings. Aboriginal culture can now be seen in pop music, tattoos, dress and cuisine.

Confucianism Symbol
Yin Yang Symbol

Mongolian Culture

The Culture of Mongolia has been heavily influenced by the Mongol nomadic way of life. Other important influences are from Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, and from China. Since the 20th century, Russian and, via Russia, European cultures have had a strong effect on Mongolia.

Economy of Taiwan

The economy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), simply called Taiwan, is the 5th largest economy in Asia, and is included in the Advanced economies group by the International Monetary Fund, and ranked 15th in the world by the Global Competitiveness.

Economy of Mongolia

Mongloian Currency

Economic activity in Mongolia has traditionally been based on agriculture and livestock. Mongolia also has extensive mineral deposits: copper, coal, molybdenum, tin, tungsten, and gold account for a large part of industrial production.

Daily Life of Taiwan

Taiwan is a has a subtropical climate with 23 million inhabitants. Most people in Taiwan speak Mandarin Chinese. Many different kind of food they enjoy in Taiwan include Braised pork rice, Beef noodles, oyster omelette, milkfish, and pan-fried buns. Most people work 40 hours a day with two days off per week, which has and average of 8 hours a day. Their education consists of primary (elementary) school, middle school, secondary education, vocational school, and tertiary school.

Daily Life of Mongolia

The daily life in Mongolia consists of urbanization and modernization but they still use distinctive old conventions. Inside the north is a place of honor while in the west they have a ger, a man's domain. It's considered disrespect if anyone who enters the ger steps in the threshold. The education there consists of primary, middle, secondary, vocational and tertiary education. Some foods they eat are aaruul, airag, horhog, boodog, etc.

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