Harvard High School


Operation Click Members

Sponsors: Kyle Kruse- Drivers Ed, Mike Patterson- Dean of Students

Seniors: Adriana Partida, Crystal Peralta, Carlos Gonzalez, Steven Barth, John Lynch, Brandon Most

Juniors: Daniela Garcia, Yalixa Nevarez, Sam Perales, Dylan Stephens

Sophomores: Natalia Bernal, Maria Mercado, Danny Pena, Jenna Watkins, Daniel Jacobs, Savannah Melson

Freshman: Anjolina Carpenter, Corinna Pelayo

Quarterly Seat Belt Checks

First Seat Belt Check 09/23/16: 96%

Second Seat Belt Check 11/14/16: 98%

Third Seat Belt Check 02/10/17: 99%

Fourth Seat Belt Check 3/23/17:


Contract Blitz

Senior Class Assembly for contract blitz
Crystal and Yalixa talking to the teachers about the importance of safe driving and to take the pledge and sign the safe driving contract.
177 student contracts were signed and 50 teacher contracts were signed

Peer to Peer Activities

Fall Activity


Over the past year, 66 teens died in fatal car crashes. During homecoming we set up 66 mock grave stones to represent those deaths. On each grave stone there were different causes of death; texting, speeding, distracted by passenger, drunk driving, not wearing a seat belt, reckless driving, and drowsy driving.

Steven, Saul, and Yalixa cutting out grave stones
John hard at work hammering in the gravestone
Our Operation Click banner hung at the entrance of the football field

Before and After the football game an announcement was said "Thank you for coming tonight to the homecoming game, please have fun and drive safely home. Thank you Harvard Operation Click"

We had a mix of Marengo and Harvard student's participate in the baggo game

During the homecoming game we had guests play baggos with the drunk goggles to demonstrate how alcohol can effect ones ability to play a simple game. We informed those that played after that if they can't play this while drunk then they can't drive drunk.

This years Operation Click t-shirt

This years t-shirt giveaway during our peer to peer activities. These are worn by at least one student every day in school. These help bring awareness to the dangers of distracted driving.

AAA t-shirt cannon
Rolling up t-shirt for the homecoming game for the t-shirt cannon

Mr. Zielinski using the AAA t-shirt cannon to shoot our our giveaway shirts.

Winter Activity

Class Meetings

Operation Click conducted grade level meetings during homeroom to discuss what it means to be responsible. All students have a level of responsibility either at home, school, work or while driving. We explained what operation click is and how it helps students understand how to be a responsible driver or passenger on the road.

Each grade level came into the gym and discussed how they are responsible in their lives and then gave examples of what it means to be responsible on the road.

Students were asked to come up and add some ways to make positive and negative decisions and how that ties into responsible actions.

John and Dylan talking to the Junior Class about being a responsible driver.

Spring Activity

Steven at the Driver Ed and Operation Click Booth for the 8th Grade expo.
8th grade students learning about the dangers of drunk driving

Pep Assembly

Contestants from each grade level were asked driving safety question to win a t-shirt
Michelle with her t-shirt
Michelle get to toss out shirts to the seniors because she got the safe driving question correct
The seniors going wild for a shirt

Social Media Outreach: @hornetdrivered

During the school year @hornetdrivered has tweeted out helpful tips, techniques, statistics and articles about safe driving. Over the past seven months @hornetdrivered has sent out 46 tweets reaching an audience of over 10.6 thousand people.

Safety video

Illinois Law now has driver education teach what to do when you get pulled over. Our video this year teaches our students what the proper steps are when this happens. The safety video is shown to all students in the high school during our homeroom period.

Operation click Budget

Gray Hoodie Club member Sweetshirts $662.90

White Operation Click T-shirts $792.15

Operation Click Bags $545.00

Total of $1999.41

Harvard Booster Club donated $200 for Graduation Cords for graduating Seniors from the Club.

End of the Year Picture

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