2017 Goals Thelma Padilla

Get a higher paying job:

S: I want to start working at Walmart because it pay me more than Whata-burger which is my current job. I am planning on having this accomplished by the end of March.

M: This is measurable by applying to Walmart and being consistent.

A: I can attain this by going to Walmart after i apply and asking for my application status so that they know that I'm serious.

R: This is realistic because it shouldn't be that hard to get a job in general especially for my age and work experience. It's easy to apply for a job.

T: I am planning on having this achieved by the end of February or March.

Save $3,000 by the end of June

S: I want to save up to $3,000 by the end of June, by saving up all of my money and not wasting anything on miscellaneous objects.

M: This is measurable because by getting a job that pays more and a new job i will work really hard and more hours to achieve my goal.

A: This attainable because last year i saved up $3,000 and i only got paid $7.25.

R: If i can save up $3,000 before i can save up even more this time if i wanted too.

T: I believe I can achieve this goal by June, if i work really hard and long hours.

Moving to California

S: I want to move to California by the end of July

M: Th





Created with images by kozan - "life" • mozlase__ - "still life school retro" • LubosHouska - "vintage retro radio" • candoyi - "cherry cherries fruit" • Lucas Guimaraes - "Life" • cbransto - "Still Life"

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