Heart Healthy Relationships February: Love Your Heart month

"Healthy relationships evolve when all partners are checking in, communicating, and working toward keeping the relationship healthy. Relationships, like the people in them, are unique and constantly evolving. No two relationships function in the same way, and only the people involved can decide what works for them and what doesn't. Maintaining boundaries and trust, being open and honest, and creating a safe space where nobody feels pressured or coerced are important elements of keeping a relationship healthy."

How working out can help create Heart Healthy Relationships:

  1. It inspires camaraderie and increases happiness.
  2. You'll feel more connected to each other while doing activities that you both enjoy doing.
  3. You'll both feel more supported and motivated by having a friendly competition with your partner.
  4. You'll feel more confident (and less jealous).
  5. An adventure will bring "both people to communicate, be supportive, strong and weak."

S.A.V.E.S. Volunteer Program

The mission of SAVES at VCU is to assist in prevention and offer support to those affected by sexual violence, intimate partner violence, sexual harassment, and stalking.
This spark page was created by a student at VCU in HPEX 495. Your feedback will be much appreciated and your information will not be shared.

Stay tuned for next week's segment of Love Your Heart: Heart Healthy Foods!


Created with images by Pexels - "affection couple fingers"

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