Rebranding Process by Daniel serratos

Michael jackson had a lot of rebranding process during his life, the first one was when he was a little kid singing with his brothers in the band called "The Jacksons Five" the rebranding started when he got out of the band in order to pursue his solo career, he got more mature and the lyrics of his songs changed in a more mature way, another rebranding process was the polemic problem of child abuse, during this process he had to rebrand and to change the way he interacts with his fans in order to prove his innocence

Justin Timberlake: he had a huge process of rebranding himself at the time he left out of the band called N'Sync, he had to rebrand himself in order to reach a target audience by himself and not with his band, I think that his rebranding process was successful because nowadays he is a well know artist among the entertainment industry.

Madonna: During her career she had passed during many rebranding process, she has a long career which made her to rebrand herself in many times. she started as a little girl and now she is 60 years old

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