How Reasonable Do You Feel? By: Nick, Rohan, Steve, Uluc

Luke Ozdenvar

Group members: NICK, ROHAN, STEVE, ULUC

Badge leader: NICK

Feb 24th - Feb 28th

WOK Badge: Emotion

"Can emotion be put aside? Even for a moment?"


Journal 1 Feb 24th 2017 Today we discussed what we were going to do for our presentation. We came up with the idea of using emotionally charged questions and neutral. This will test if people will have different reactions towards the emotionally charged question. First, we will ask them the neutral questions to gain their view on the topic and then we will add an emotional twist to the question in order to create a comparison.

Journal 2 Feb 28th 2017 Before the presentation, my group went over the aspects of our project emotion by working on the conclusion of our project. We worked on improving the connection we made between emotion and reason. When the presentation was finished, I was glad that my group had volunteered first because our project was finally over.

Journal 2 Feb 30th 2017: Today, another group also presented on emotion which helped me ponder on the aspects of this way of knowing that I missed while doing my own presentation. It was interesting how one's reasoning is heavily affected by one's emotions which we did not touch upon. For example, a person who is extremely angry will not have the same decision making capacity as a calm and collected person. Overall, I felt our project was very strong and the only thing that could be improved was our presentation skills.


This video shows the interaction between emotions and how they influence our behavior. This would connect very well with the question of can emotion be put aside? Even for a moment? It would show the viewer that this is near impossible and our emotions impact our every move. Our emotions always have their impact on our behavior no hard they try


For my elective reading I did machine which can register our emotional state. This shows us that machines have evolved to a point where our emotions can be captured by them. Emotions are our main way to communicate. If our emotions can be captured by machines this means that people who have trouble processing other peoples feelings will now be able to understand how they feel and act accordingly. This also got me to think about how it can be improved in the future. Like being able to register people's movements to understand their emotions.


As we did a presentation this serves as our documentation.

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