Cancun Mexico By: Kristin

Location Details

Cancun is just north of Mexico's Caribbeans cost, also known as Riviera Maya. Cancun's island is on the Caribbean sea. It is in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. The population is 722,800 as of 2014, they are one hour ahead of us.


Most of their culture events date back to the Mayas. The Mayas lived there a thousand years ago. Until the Spanish came and took over.
Cancun Beach

When the Spanish took over it was forgotten about until 1902, Cancun was first known as Quintana Roo, after a famous general. The Spanish came and built buildings that are now some of the tourist attractions.


In 1960 the Mexican government took interest in the Cancun area. It was a lot of work to transform, but tourist attractions were open in 1974. People could start visiting then.

Hurricane Wilma, Cancun

Three decades ago there was nothing to Cancun, then Cancun's beaches suffered damage and erosion from hurricane Wilma in 2005, costing 71 million dollars to restore them.

First hotel in Cancun

The first hotel was open in 1974, there is now more than 27,000 hotels open to visit. The safest beaches are located on the north side causeway leading to Cancun city.

Xplor Park Full Day Adventure

Xpolr park full day adventure includes 2 zip line circuits, a underground river, lush jungles, and a buffet. When you go on the zip line you will be so low you can dip your feet into the river.

Isla Mujeres beach

Isla Mujeres is a peaceful beach you can sit and relax. You can go snorkeling,and scuba diving. Playa Tortugas is another peaceful beach you can sit at and relax.

Chichen Itza

You can also take tours of Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza is a site that was built by the Maya people of the terminal classic period. Chichen Itza is a historical site built thousands of years ago.

El Rey Ruins

El Rey Ruins is located in the hotel part of Cancun. It was a trade route for the Maya's. It is a historical part of Cancun as well as a botanical garden.

Spring break

Cancun is a big tourist attraction for spring break. Family, and even friends like to come to Cancun to hang out over spring break. Cancun is good to relax, the temperatures stay in the 70's to the 80's.

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