Love, Lucy ...

Ciao bellas!! Well, well, well, another week has come and gone... and way too fast if I may add. Having realized the halfway point is approaching us this week (feels too sad to be true, out of sight, out of mind am I right lol), we decided to stick around Rome to show some visitors what we've been so fortunate to call home these past 8 weeks. As if the pizza, pasta, gelato, wine and big-city feel wasn't enough to rave over, we had to explore the beaches of Rome too. SUPER tough life we're living over here across the pond you guys. TBD if we will make it until May...

@ Dad, I do promise it is called (study) abroad for a reason!! This week marks midterms, and rather than stressing over the ins & outs of every textbook and lecture slide known to man (S/O to those in Madison, sending prayers your way), we have enjoyed exploring the market testing the extent of our Italian vocab, and even snuck in a pasta making class post exam 1 (stay tuned if I'll give up Kraft for the homemade stuff). Art history will definitely be most challenging for us business kids, but playing tour guide 101 (Ms. Ungarmeyer level) with our visitors in the next couple of weeks should prepare us well.

We welcomed some familiar faces for our first weekend of hosting and were so excited to show them around Italy (seriously getting emotional thinking about leaving this place). A late night dinner in the streets of Trastevere (unlimited wine being a bonus), exploring the Trevi late night (we obviously had to one-up Abby & Joe's couple pic, find us on the next season of the Bachelor), and exploring some of the better views in Rome were just a few of the highlights. That and FRIED ARTICHOKES (yes, you read correctly). We made our way back to the Jewish ghetto on Saturday night to eat at one of our professor's recommended restaurants; the highly acclaimed "Nonna Betta" serves Jewish style artichokes and boy do they not disappoint. 10/10 people. Not even a picture to prove it because of the quick consumption... I'm telling you.

Sundays are quickly becoming our favorite day of the week and wow, am I going to be upset to return home to working Maynard's brunch or color coding study guides. Until then, CHEERS to these people and their adventurous spirits (and to cheap grocery store wine, my bank account appreciates you). Who knew missing our first train stop (quite the scare actually) could have ended up with us spending an entire afternoon in a beach town we had never heard of. Snacks & sunshine & good conversation really make for the ideal day, no complaints here.

Well people, thanks for continuing to care about my time here in Rome. All smiles from across the pond thanks to good friends, new & old. Can't wait to continue getting to know and travel with our program (@ Penn State Kate where have you been all are lives) and for hometown friends coming to visit in the next couple of weeks (T-2 until Devon, Weber and Will take on Italy, pray for us plz). Cannot believe how fast the time is flying here (I blinked and February was gone), but we are so excited for the travel & adventure we still have left ahead. Until then... Arrivederci bellas!

Love, Lucy

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