Good Life Tour of the Harn By: julia devaney

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Essence #4

Medium of art/technique of the artist: This piece of artwork created by Louise Nevelson was made by aquatint, soft ground etching on paper. Without being present in the museum to view this artwork I would never have been able to see each detailed line etched into the paper. Its black, massive abstract style gives me the feeling of being overcome in life by symbolic black, encompassing nets.

The sculpture wing of the museum

Design of the Museum: This part of the museum is very open and vast. the sculptures line the edges o the room helping to make it feel very open. Its open design gives me the feeling of being able to act and think as I would like. This setting also enables me to get a full view and understanding of the art, being able to walk around and view it from all directions.

Street Scene, Market Place

Art and Core Values: this piece of art, like many that are displayed in the museum, communicates a message. To me, this illustrates the injustices between social classes. The poor women are working in the market while the affluent ones get to enjoy shopping without a care in the world.

Champ d'avoline

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