Living Color Experience: Kung Fu Panda 2 Natalie Sweet

My experience was watching the movie Kung Fu Panda 2. This movie is about Po, the dragon warrior and kung fu master, who struggles to find inner peace (P'u) within himself while trying to save the city of Gongman from enemies. However, to save the city, he must calm the conflicting battle in himself. He has help from his master, Shi-fu, who has achieved P'u, and his friends, the furious five.

A future eighth grader choose this experience in order to understand how th​e ​legacy of ancient China is evident today because this movie shows many key concepts of Confucianism and Daoism through the characters and the plot. The movie ties together traditional values of China with modern culture of China, comedy, and action. The plot has a very nice balance of these movie characteristics. Overall, it is a very good movie to watch to understand how the legacy of Ancient China is evident today, and I would recommend it to a future eighth grader.

The fortune teller predicting the future of Shang

There are many ways that Daoism is shown through the plot of this movie. For example, it is fortold by a fortune teller that a warrior of yin and yang will defeat the evil peacock, Shang, which shows that this concept of opposing forces working together in harmony is evident today. Another way that the legacy of ancient china is evident in the movie is that once Shi-Fu, Po's teacher, realized the problems within himself and learned to go with the flow (Wu-Wei), he attained inner peace (P'u).

Shi-fu Meditating

There are also many ways that Confucianism is demonstrated through the plot of this movie. For example, to defeat Shang, Po tries to build himself by learning about his past, which is self cultivation, building yourself through education of yourself. Also, Shang does not have any of the Five Virtues (Qualities that everyone should have), nor does he have Li (the ritual of ren) which is why he does not succeed in his evil plansShi-fu is also a Junzi, a Confucian exemplar of a perfect man. Another reason is that Po demonstrates Filial Piety, which is honoring your family, but your elders especially. Po does this by respecting his parents and Shi-fu, his master.

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