Talent Show

we are holding the talent show to raise money for a local charity. We will need a group of people to organise and runt the show who are not participating in it. A date will need to be set, they will also need to stick to the budget that they are give. The venue has to be one of the first things to be done. The venue will need a stage for the acts to perform on. there may need to be a computer to create the leaflets and posters.There will need to be chairs and tables for the judges and the ticket sellers. We will also need a group of people to clean up after the show.

Below is a clip of a great yet funny audition for the talent show Britain's Got Talent

Last years Britain's Got Talent Winner.

With your help we think that we can find a star within this community as well as raising money for a great cause. If you are able to help please email us.

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