James Nachtwey by: melanie Kienlen

"I have been a witness, and these pictures are my testimony. The events I have recorded should not be forgotten and must not be repeated."

James Nachtwey went to Dartmouth College where he studied art history and political science. He has devoted himself to documenting wars, conflicts, and critical issues. He has a contract with Time magazine. He has won around 28 different awards for his photography.

The Lessons of Bosnia

Taken on April 16, 2012, the picture shows two young boys mourning the loss of a Serb solider in a grave that used to be a football field.

Zaire, 1994

French Army helped stop the deadly disease from spreading by taking the dead bodies out of Zaire.

August 23, 1993

Featured on the cover of a Sudan issue magazine. Africa was suffering from a famine and the results were starvation and death.

Results of Rwandan War

The war between native Rwandan tribes. This man was a prisoner and they tortured him with machetes. He survived and has decided to show his battle scars.

Heroin Addicts

Rehab facilities that were just rooms with windows of light. The facilities are for those in need of reform from heroin addictions.

Indonesia, 1998

Jubilation at announcement of Suharto's resignation.

Zimbabwe, 2000

Tuberculosis ward where a great majority of patients suffered from AIDS and were soon to die from it.

Romania, 1990
Bosnia, 1990

Both pictures are young boys in an mental orphanage meant for the "incurable".

New York, 2001
New York, 2001
New York, 2001

All three are pictures of the aftermath of the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers. These are pictures of Ground Zero during and after the attack. the entire skeleton of the towers crumbled. Firefighters searched through the wreckage for any survivors, but most were dead from the damage of the buildings.

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