Rome By Joshua degraff

Map of Rome

In Rome, there are lots of important geographical features. After this paragraph, I will show and tell you about four.

Tiber River

The Tiber River gave Rome access to the rest of the Mediterranean world, and it gave them an excellent source of water. The river impacted Rome because they could use the water for bathing, crops, drinking, and other uses.

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Rome was built on 7 hills, and they did this on purpose. They hills provided a bit of protection to the Romans, because the hills were steep and would take a lot of effort to climb, nonetheless attack them.

A Mountain Slope.

In Rome, there was a mountain slope. Now, you may be saying, "Oh, it's just a mountain slope. Nothing special." Well, really, the land on the slope was amazing soil for crops. The Romans took advantage of this, and supported more people.

A mountain range.

The mountains weren't just for farming. They were also used for protection. Rome had an abundance of them, there was a range on both the South and North sides. The mountains are named the Sicily and the Apennines Mountain Slopes.

The End.


Created with images by hr.icio - "epl117_2101368" • Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the BPL - "A plan to illustrate the situation of the principal hills of ancient Rome" • ab629 - "Rome" • johnomason - "Above the clouds" • keijj44 - "mountain peak mountain range" • ulleo - "sunset sea abendstimmung"

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