Abandoned Farmhouse By Myra Kingston

She was always helping, say the drawings from children,

in the locker by the door;

A musician too, claims the instrument case

By the stand in the front room; and a smart, studious person,

acknowledged the books, papers, and writing utensils

spread methodically across the cluttered desk;

and part of a good, God-fearing family,revealed the mantle,

covered with Bibles and verses about faith.

There was so much to do, but not enough time, they say.

They were often on the move, implied the shoes by the door,

ready to be put on at any moment;

but they also had lazy weekends, hint the recliners and blankets

scattered around the living room in the center of the house.

They cooked breakfast and dinner regularly, reported the kitchen,

cluttered with dirty dishes and utensils on the counter by the sink.

And they had many responsibilities,

say the dog bowls in the kitchen and the paid bills on the table.

We must use time wisely, they say.

They enjoyed many hobbies, say the camera on the bookshelf

and the knitting needles and countless amounts of yarn

placed on desks and tables throughout their home.

They liked to travel and experience new things,

announced the international trinkets around the house and

the international food recipes stored in the kitchen cupboard.

And they enjoyed spending time with each other, exclaimed the smiles in pictures

on the wall and placed throughout the house.

There was time to do more, they say.

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