It Gives My Mom... By: Pano Prosiliakos


It gives my mom joy by being around her children because she likes to play with children and she likes to see them smile and be happy.
It gives my mom joy to bake because she likes to use all the ingredients and make something tasty.
My mom has joy during the holidays because it makes her happy baking for everyone and it also makes her happy when everyone else is happy.


The start of a new day gives my mom hope because it symbolizes that each day is a day to do or learn something new or something that will help us as we get older.
My mom has hope in her faith because she knows that God will take care of her no matter what she does.
My mom hopes that her children will grow up and bloom into good and hard working people when we grow up because she wants us to have good lives.


It gives my mom pride to work at her job as a nurse because she knows she is helping people get better and she takes a lot of pride from the fact that she does a good job.
My mom was prideful when she graduated college because she knows she put a lot of hard work into getting her degree and she is proud of that.
My mom is proud of her job at home as well. She puts a lot of effort into cooking, cleaning, and getting us all ready for everything is another full time job and my mom is proud of that.


It gives my mom pause when she isn't appreciated for all the work that she does around the house. She has pause from this because she works a lot at work and at home and she wants to be appreciated for the things that she does.
My mom has pause while raising children because she doesn't know if she will make the right decision or say the right words.
My mom has pause when she knows someone is lying right to her face because she knows that they are and that they think she is not smart enough to see that.


Created with images by FrankWinkler - "grey crowned crane bird crane" • < J > - "Child" • Couleur - "pretzels fritters baked goods" • cogdogblog - "Fresh Start" • blondinrikard - "Cross" • skeeze - "rose pink bloom" • Franck_Michel - "New York facets - Graduation day at Columbia" • - "bedroom" • familymwr - "Army Photography Contest - 2007 - FMWRC - Arts and Crafts - Just The Two Of Us"

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