Divergent Factions April, Adrienne, Brady, Nolan

This is our story on all the Fractions in the book Divergent. There are six fractions in this book, which are Dauntless (the brave), Abnegation (the selfless), Erudite (the intelligent), Amity (the peaceful), Candor (the honest), and Divergent.

This is Dauntless it is one of the five factions. Dauntless is a group full of brave, fearless, and crazy people. Tris has joined this group.

This group is called Abnegation. They are the second of five groups. They are known as quiet people and selfless people.

This group is called Erudite. It is third out of five of them. They are a group know as curious and knowledgeable people. They are also known as intelligent.

This is Amity. It is four out of five of the factions. They are known as peace and kindness. Their symbol is a red tree.

Candor, the last of the five factions, is known as honesty and sincere. They are a well balanced organization.

This bigger fire represents Divergent. Divergent is not a faction but is a title, at the beginning of the story Tris was called Divergent.


Created with images by jingoba - "orange red leaves" • blathlean - "Fire" • UliSchu - "handshake hands shaking hands" • DariuszSankowski - "knowledge book library" • ai3310X - "Red" • Mauro Cateb - "Scales" • ulrikebohr570 - "fire easter easter fire"

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