The Harn Museum Julia Goetz

Medium of Art & The Technique of the Artist

I found this particular piece of artwork to be particularly stunning because of how confident the woman, Frida Kahlo, appears. Although she is not smiling, she still seems to be enjoying herself during the photoshoot. She looks poised and in control of herself. This was taken by Nickolas Muray in 1939 and is titled Frida Kahlo on White Bench. It is a New York (2nd Edition) and was printed on color carbon print.

Design of the Museum

I very much enjoyed cyclic the layout of the museum. No matter which path I chose to go they ended up converging into one room. There were no dead ends, which made the museum have a certain ebb and flow to it. I found the lighting and coloring of this room to be particularly soothing.

Art and Core Values

This photo was taken by Lola Alvarez Bravo in 1944 and is titled Frida Looking Into Mirror. Bravo states that , "the struggle of two Fridas was in her always, one dead Frida and one Frida that was alive." Although Frida went through many hardships in life, such as contracting Polio at the age of 6, and suffering a nearly fatal car accident at the age of 18, she was an extremely determined young woman. This relates to my core values because I believe in being confident in myself and in my own capabilities.

Art and The Good Life

This piece of artwork conveys to me the theme of Celebrating The Good Life. This art piece is titled Plate 6, Coffee Portfolio. It was made by Rafael Tufino in 1954 and is a print made from Linocut. Tufino was a Puerto Rican printer and painter who was very well known for his photos celebrating his cultural heritage. I believe that in order to celebrate the Good Life, one must first accept themselves and those around them.

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