Shakira By Sophia camacho

Major Accomplishments

Shakira has won numerous awards from 2 Grammys to 7 Billboard Awards. Shakira has been nominated for hundreds of nominations, winning many. She is the highest selling Colombian artist of all time. Shakira is also the second most successful female Latin singer. She has many popular hits like 'Whenever, Wherever'(from her first album) to 'Hips Don't Lie' reaching number 1 on the U.S Billboard Hot 100.

Contributions From Shakira

Shakira is a UNICEF Goodwill ambassador and was honored by the United Nation's International Labor Organization for her Philanthropic efforts in 2006. In 1997 she founded the Pies Descalzos, "Barefoot" Foundation. Shakira's cause helps children from her native country Columbia, to receive an education and escape from violence. The organization is still going strong today. Shakira is a role model for girls of all ages.


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