Human Impact Erosion by Water By: Ben RUtagwabira


Although erosion by water is due mostly to natural causes, human impact can also contribute to erosion by water waste. As water is used constantly within households, the waste that is created eventually finds its way into the seas and local water sources and attributes to the erosion of the surrounding environment. Also within agriculture, as farmers water their crop, the excess water may erode the topsoil and surrounding area over time.

In Queensland, Australia , farming has been a major staple of the area since the 1850's. During that time, farmers did not realize that their practices were harming and slowly eroding the topsoil. By 1950, the area experienced heavy soil erosion and it began to affect crop yields. Before the city of Queensland was widely a farming town, but today only 2% of the area is used for farming.

The farming practices of the 1800's weren't used with the impact on the environment taken into account as farmers kept using the topsoil year after year for crop. This left long lasting soil erosion that still affect Queensland to this day.


The solution of environment conscience farming has now been incorporated into modern farming but was not able to repair the damage done a century earlier for Queensland. Efficient farming equipment and using practices that are not as destroying of the area are the main improvements that have slowed erosion by water in certain areas and are in place currently.


Created with images by bark - "It's a beautiful day at the beach" • USGS Unmanned Aircraft Systems - "Abandoned Mine Drainage Ponds in Pitking County, CO (image IMG_4863)" • Lenny K Photography - "Fields of Mysterious Flowers"

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