Let's Fight..... ( and knockout preventable diseases)

Preventing Noncommunicable diseases can be done by demonstrating 6 easy healthy habits

#1 - Eat This!

Eating what your body needs reduces your risk of heart disease. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet and stay away from foods high in fat and sugar. (lots of fat can cause your arteries to clog and your heart to attack)

#2 - Keep it Moving

Staying Physically active reduces your risk of many diseases because it makes your body stronger and more capable to fight off infections and other invaders. Get at least 60 minutes of exercise every day to keep diseases far away!

#3 - Keep the Weight

Having a healthy weight comes hand in hand with exercise and eating right. Keep your weight in the right level for your gender and age.

#4 - Take a Chill

Managing stress puts less strain on your heart and other key organs in your body. Find a way to get more organized, and don't sweat it!

#5 - Just Say No!

Stay far away from tobacco and alcohol. These two things are like poison for the body and cause lots of fatal diseases.


My Great Grandpa was a smoker and drinker all of his life. Several years ago, he was diagnosed with lung cancer, that went on to over run his body and take his life.

# 6 - Check Yourself, Before You Wreck Yourself

If you see or feel anything abnormal, see your doctor immediately, or it may be too late!


Created with images by WenPhotos - "fist strength anger" • manoftaste.de - "Cherry Tomatoes / Cherrytomaten" • walkersalmanac - "fall running trail" • Jollycat - "weights scales fitness" • Shivmirthyu - "work management time management office" • Conanil - "Cigarette" • nightowl - "binoculars child magnification"

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