Florida Museum of Natural History ariana borton

Nature on Display

The butterfly garden that displayed life butterflies in the form of a walk through garden with live plants, insects, and a pond with live fish. I found the design of this exhibit to be so appealing and immersing, which set it apart from many of the other exhibits. Being around live insects while learning about them and seeing their behaviors occurring in front of you as they are explained makes the experience much more lively, involving, and memorable. Through the exhibit I was able to witness how all parts of the ecosystem interact to function, something that would not have been so clear had I not been there to see it myself.

Nature and Ethics

The natural museum allowed me to experience nature in many different ways. I was able to experience it in the person and in the present, as seen with the butterfly garden, and also to experience it in memory and in the past, as seen when viewing the fossil exhibit. The fossils and the plaques that describe and depict how all of these extinct animals once looked and behaved really puts the importance of nature into perspective. Although most of the animal fossils in the exhibit went extinct as a result of natural causes, there are countless species that we as humans are currently putting in danger of reaching this same fate. While going through this exhibit of the museum I was overwhelmed with a feeling of responsibility to protect the history of nature as well as a duty to protect the future of it.

Nature and the Human Spirit

The picture here is one from the exhibit of the natives of Florida. This exhibit helps us to step out of our daily lives and into the lives of the natives. These wooden carvings were used in sacred rituals and placed in ceremonial burial grounds. This connection with animals, plant life, and human spirituality is striking. This exhibit represents our connection with nature and the role it plays in many stages of our lives. Burial ceremonies have always been a crucial part of our culture, and the presence of these carvings show the an incredible level of respect for nature when presented at a burial site. Exemplifying the connection between humans and animals, the presence of these carvings at such sacred rituals highlight the importance of our relationship with the natural world we live in.

Created By
Ariana Borton


Photos taken by Irazu Guinan

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