Things I learned about the American Revolution. Emma Blankenship

I learned that before the American Revolution there was a French and Indian War. The war was won by the British giving them more land in North America. After the war the British didn't want the colonists to move into the land because they didn't want to have to send more troops over to the Americas. This made the colonists mad because they wanted to explore more land.

French and Indian War

The Stamp Tax was another key part before the revolution. The British were in extreme debt and needed a way to find more money. Britain had came up with the Stamp Tax. This made the colonists pay taxes that made their wallets empty quickly. The colonists thought that this was a strike at their local liberties. In fact some colonies decided not to pay the whole tax but only a fraction of them. This made Britain mad and they decided to become more strict.

Another key event that happened before the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party happened because the colonists were mad about having taxes. They had tricked Britain into thinking that they were okay with the taxes so Britain sent over tea. The colonists dressed as Indians and threw the tea off the side of the boat out of pure anger and revenge. This meant the the Americans were ready to do anything they could to send a message to the British.

The Olive Branch Petition was a letter to King George III as a last effort to not going into full war. John Dickinson (the author of the letter) said in the letter that the colonists were not ready to be on their own. He also stated that they would be loyal to their king. King George III refused to even listen to the letter. This showed the colonists that their relationship with Britain was basically gone. This meant the the British were basically ready for war.

This is a picture of the Olive Branch Petition.

The last key event before the Revolutionary War was the Committees of Correspondence. Young King George III attempted to assert the power of monarchy. They made non-important actions that hurt the English economy. British officials increased efforts to enforce the Navigation Laws. The first Committees of Correspondence started in Massachusetts and Adams organized it.

During the Revolutionary War the first battle was in Boston. There was no decided winner of the battle but it was a hard fought battle. General Gage ordered a detachment of troops to Concord. He did this because he had heard that they were handing out materials. This battle was also were "the shot heard round the world" took place.

Battle in Boston

Another key battle in the Revolutionary War was the battle in Bunker Hill. During this battle 10,000 Massachusetts militiamen advanced and declared Bunker Hill under siege. The British loss in Concord made them angry so they struck on the colonists again. During the battle General Gage ordered an assault on all American troops. The British ended the battle with a victory.

The last key battle during the Revolutionary War was the battle of Yorktown. This was the final battle of the Revolutionary War which lead the Americans to victory. During the battle the the Americans captured the British leader and Washington made him surrender. The British left North America and the Americans won the Revolutionary War. This meant the war was over and the colonists were free!

Battle of Yorktown

One outcome from the Revolutionary war was that Lord North's Ministry collapsed in March of 1782. This was a temporary ending George III personal rule. A ministry that is much more favorable to the Americans in what replaces it. The ministry that replaced Lord North's lasted only a brief time.

The peace treaty is signed in Paris. The American negotiators included Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. They were not allowed to make any other peace treaty without French approval. The negotiators did not follow this rule and made a peace treaty with London.

Paris Peace Treaty


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